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发布日期:2025-01-04 14:19    点击次数:103

【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』招商臻系上海首作【招商臻境】5月11日首次开盘引爆上海楼市!均价约7万/㎡,首开狂销16亿!这是一份令人欢呼雀跃,但又来之不易的现象级成绩!事实上,开盘前去参观项目,就断定【招商臻境】即将引爆上海!毕竟,在当下的房地产市场中【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!,示范区的平日看房量就已经可以用“现象级”来形容了!每一个销售要用大喇叭同时向多组客户介绍项目,感觉回到了3年前!这篇文章不啰嗦,直接用几个原因告诉你!不在传统市中心,均价约7万/㎡,凭什么能够在开盘当天狂销16亿!成为了浦东当之无愧的现象级红盘!【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!一句话总结:靠超配的产品力!总价约500万起的建面约89-135㎡高层,能做到“豪宅标准”的品质!总价约950万起的建面约145-148㎡叠墅,上叠赠送顶层露台,下叠赠送地下室,性价比拉满!如果用一句话来形容【招商臻境】,就是:太用力了!因为“用心”指的是把该做事做好,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!而“用力”却指的是把“该做的”“不该做的”,都做到了极致!【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!报口令:招商臻境咨询预约参观大雄哥看上海楼市,赞5#1500万级享豪宅品质超配装标 豪宅会所千万级园林 错过再难有就像开盘前去踩盘给朋友发的微信,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!这个项目的品质实在是太打动我了!花低总价的钱,买高总价的品质,这对于购房者来说不是机会,而是重大机遇了!【招商臻境】本次首推建面约89-103-135㎡三房高层,以及建面约145-148㎡叠拼产品!其中高层产品全精装交付,并且交付标准可以用“越级领先“来形容!例如:1.松下/日立/东芝或同等品牌的空调地暖两联供,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!以及百朗或同等品牌的新风系统,这样的“天团配置”在同级别项目中几乎很难看到!2.卫生间采用了唯宝的台盆+次卫马桶,高仪的花洒五金件,品质直逼市区豪宅!3. 厨房三件套全部采用了西门子品牌系列,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!还配备了名族的凉霸,以及能率的燃气热水器!注重了品牌、品质的同时还充分考虑到了使用的细节感受!4.厨房所有墙面都采用了大面积岩板,全屋大面积墙纸交付,且无论是岩板还是墙纸都极具纹理细节,提升了全屋的质感!5. 整体采用了海派的装修风格,例如更耗时更费钱的带弧度的半圆形吊顶!以及当大部分项目还在用长虹玻璃时,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!在厨房的三轨道移门处使用了水波纹玻璃,更具奢华感!这样的细节上次还是在看3000万级别的豪宅时才看到!再感叹和强调一次!同价位段中,【招商臻境】的装标卷到了真正的豪宅级别!而豪宅品质,自然是不能光体现在装修标准上!其中之一便是项目自带的约1500㎡的泳池会所!要知道,带泳池的高端会所,在上海这座城市里,一般来说是豪宅的标配!而总价仅500万级起的【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!为业主配备了一个可以称之为高端、华贵、私密、惬意的Life-Club泳池会所!总面积达到了约1500㎡!配备了酒店式泳池、大落地窗的健身房以及下沉庭院等功能区间,从地下就可以直接进去!还有VIP式的礼宾台!这样的配套和服务,实在是用力到了极致!就这么说吧,在总价1500万以下的项目中,几乎很难看到!同时,项目在社区的生活场景打造方面也是不遗余力!例如其以“七维、六巷”景观分布的花园【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!!实在是充满了海派腔调,并充分体现了项目的静奢美学观!而这其中最感到惊讶和动容的有两点:一是对于社区与外部边界的思考,【招商臻境】运用了丛生的乌桕、冬青等,构筑了一个社区外的口袋花园,消弭了社区与外部的边界感,哪怕是在小区外,也做到了绿地丛生!这,是用心!二是在社区内对于水景的打造,要知道就算是很多千万级以上的项目都难以在社区内规划水景景观,原因很简单——【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!水景打造可以算是园林景观设计中造价高的!但在【招商臻境】的社区规划内,看到了多处极其充满质感和现代艺术感的水景景观!这,是壕!除此之外,由紫薇、香橼、朴树等高大的灌木所营造的下沉花园闲适空间,香樟、迷迭香、夜来香等构筑的芳草花厅,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!以及在整个小区大量栽种的花卉例如丹枫、樱花、桂花等。一个在当代上海同价位段再难看到的海派园林艺术作品得以呈现!有了高端的社区会所及奢雅的园林景观,一般豪宅才有的社区高端圈层设施在【招商臻境】中也放大性的展现!住宅楼宇下设置了多个主题架空层,设置了丰富的业态!业主可以在此相聚社交,商务会谈!这样的品质感足以使用轻奢、典雅来形容!最后,豪宅的品质感还体现在了地上地下双归家大堂以及建筑的外立面方面!过去在豪宅项目才能看到的类似于“星空顶”地下车库坡道,【招商臻境】使用了看来更加高级的香槟金色吊顶,并加上穹顶闪耀的“追光”坡道!【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!精装的地下大堂,配置了自然的采光井以及专属等候区【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!,如同高级酒店的首层大堂,极尽礼宾仪式!精装地上大堂,地面的石材拼花造型,墙面的石材背景,将静奢海派的艺术展现的淋漓尽致!值得重点一提的还有项目的外立面,毕竟当时是着实被TA的外立面给吸引到了!通过曲线微弧的工艺,极大程度的丰富了层次以及高级的质感,浦东又一具有代表性的封面作品即将诞生!这,是属于上海的格调!【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!一定程度上,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!打诞生之初,就已经预定了上海网红爆款的头衔!招商蛇口,对于上海而言不必多说,本身就是红盘制造机和品质代名词。而作为旗下高端产品系,【臻】系是否能接过【玺】系的接力棒从而为招商打开更大的上海市场,至关重要!一定程度上,【臻】系上海首作【招商臻境】,大概率现在是招商在上海重要和受关注的项目,所以才会如此用力,如此不容失败!而项目用买改善的价格,卖豪宅的品质,这份“极其用力”的物超所值,就算在上海这座城市,也不多见!#2天然地理优势 地段之王同价位段难以比拟的生活圈范围【招商臻境】坐落于“前滩南,三林心”,是同价位段下能享受更广更好生活圈的性价比TOP选择!摊开来说,就是住在这里,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!合理的通勤时间内你能够真正的触达众多高能级的核心商圈!举个例子来说:粉丝群里一位购房者A先生,购买了同级别的一个新房项目,购房时TA觉得距离市区商圈仅地铁10站路,但是入住之后他才发现靠地铁交通所构筑的“理论通勤时间”并不诚心如意。首先TA需要花时间步行折返于地铁站【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!,进地铁站之后需要步行折返于地铁廊台,以及等待地铁到站,运气不好的话上地铁后仍然没有座位能够休憩...并非否定地铁的价值,而是很多情况而言【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!,“真实的通勤范围”更能让人心情愉悦!例如车行范围,就是“真实通勤范围”之一。借由前滩南距离核心板块的天然地理优势【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!能够真正快速的往返于各大高能级板块!例如浦东的前滩太古里、张江或是陆家嘴,从项目出发都能够在合理的通勤范围内到达!就算在高峰期时进行导航(晚六点),浦西的众多核心商圈也均在项目的合理生活圈内!实话实说,这是同价位段下大部分项目难以比拟的!试想一下,这个总价段,你都能买到哪里?立马就高下立判了!除此之外,项目所处板块也被称为同价位段的“地段之王”!【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!原因也很简单,其一是板块更加靠近金色中环,而且是数个核心节点及产业高地!其二就是,前滩其实就是三林滨江,三林板块能级及活跃度随着前滩而不断上升!而与三林相比的次一级板块浦江镇、康桥,如今的新房及次新房价格都在约700-800万级(数据来源于贝壳)【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!,招商臻境与他们之间有着超200万+/套的剪刀差!值得一提的是,【招商臻境】是板块内接近10年来唯一的新建项目!这份稀缺性真是错过再难有!【招商臻境】首批次主推建面约89-135㎡高层【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!,以及建面约145-148㎡叠墅。其中建面约89㎡三室两厅一卫户型,是少有能够约500万极限上车的神户型!大雄哥看上海楼市,赞2为什么说少有呢?因为据悉项目后续批次低总价小户型产品将会很少!而为什么说神户型呢?因为TA做到了该面积段下所能做好的所有!配备了当下火爆的“S墙”设计,节省面积且实用!通过开合式岛台与餐厅、客厅、阳台形成了LDKB一体化布局【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!三开间朝南全卧室带飘窗,以及大面宽的阳台,整个户型内全明且视野出众!建面约103㎡三房两厅两卫,【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!保证了业主从二人世界到三胎生活的全生命周期需求!而建面约135㎡的四房两厅两卫户型,拥有着让人羡慕的超大横厅!谁看谁喜欢!这也使得整个户型拥有着堪比别墅的南向采光面【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!,尺度感以及采光都非常的优秀!除此之外,项目还有约千万级的低密叠拼产品!只能说这样的产品力+地段,以及产品能有的赠送面积,性价比拉满!【 Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" Investment Zhen is Shanghai's first [Investment Zhen Zhen] on May 11, the first opening detonated Shanghai property market!The average price is about 70,000 /㎡, the first open sales of 1.6 billion! This is an exciting, but hard-won phenomenon of achievement!In fact, the opening to visit the project, it is concluded that [investment Zhen Jing] is about to explode Shanghai!After all, in the current real estate market, the official sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! The average daily viewing volume of the demonstration area can already be described as "phenomenon level"! Every salesperson has to introduce the project to multiple groups of customers at the same time with a loud speaker, which feels like 3 years ago!This article is not verbose, directly with several reasons to tell you!Not in the traditional city center, the average price is about 70,000 /㎡, how can it sell 1.6 billion on the opening day!Has become a well-deserved phenomenon of Pudong red plate! 【 Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!One sentence summary: by the super matching product force!The total price of about 5 million is about 89-135 square meters of high-rise, which can achieve the quality of "luxury house standard"!The total price of about 9.5 million construction surface of about 145-148 square meters of villa, the top layer of the top deck, the bottom layer of the basement, cost-effective!If you use a sentence to describe [investment Zhen Zhen], it is: too hard!Because "heart" means to do the job well, [Pudong Investment Zhen Jing] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! And "force" refers to the "should do" "should not do", have done the extreme!【 Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!Report password: Investment consulting reservation visitBig male brother see Shanghai property market, Like 5# 15 million luxury qualitySuper outfitted luxury house club thousands of gardens to miss again difficult to haveJust like the wechat sent to a friend before the opening, the official sales office phone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! The quality of this project really impressed me!Spend low total price of money, buy high total price of quality, which is not an opportunity for home buyers, but a major opportunity![Investment Zhen Jing] This first push to build the surface of about 89-103-135 square meters of three-room high-rise, and the surface of about 145-148 square meters of overlap products! Among them, the high-level products are delivered in full hardcover, and the delivery standard can be described as "leapfrog leading"!For example:1. Panasonic/Hitachi/Toshiba or equivalent brand of air conditioning and floor heating, [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! As well as fresh air systems from Blang or equivalent brands, such "Tiantuan configuration" is almost difficult to see in the same level of projects!2. The bathroom uses Weibao's basin + secondary toilet, and Gaoyi's shower hardware, the quality is forced into the urban mansion!3. The kitchen three sets are all Siemens brand series, [Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! It is also equipped with the famous Liang Ba, and the gas water heater with the energy rate! Pay attention to the brand, quality, but also fully consider the details of the use of feelings!4. All the walls of the kitchen are made of large-area rock slabs, and large-area wallpaper is delivered in the whole house, and both the rock slabs and wallpaper are highly textured details, enhancing the texture of the whole house!5. The overall use of Shanghai style of decoration, such as more time-consuming and expensive semicircular ceiling with curvature! And when most of the projects are still using Changhong glass, [Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! Water corrugated glass is used in the three-track sliding door of the kitchen for a more luxurious feeling! The last time I saw such details was when I looked at a 30 million class mansion!Sigh and emphasize again! In the same price segment, the labeling of [Investment Zhen Zhen] has reached the real luxury level!The quality of luxury homes, naturally, can not be reflected in the decoration standards!One of them is the project with about 1500 square meters of swimming pool club!You know, a high-end club with a swimming pool, in the city of Shanghai, is generally the standard of luxury homes!And the total price is only 5 million from the 【 Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing 】 official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! For the owners equipped with a can be called high-end, luxurious, private, comfortable Life-Club pool club! The total area is about 1500 square meters!Features include a hotel-style swimming pool, a gym with large floor-to-ceiling Windows, and a sunken courtyard that can be accessed directly from the ground up! And a VIP concierge desk!This kind of supporting and service is really hard to the extreme!Just say that, in the total price of less than 15 million projects, it is almost difficult to see!At the same time, the project also spared no effort in creating the living scene of the community!For example, its "seven dimensions, six lanes" landscape distribution of the garden [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! ! It is full of Shanghai dialect, and fully reflects the project's quiet luxury aesthetic view!Two of the most surprising and moving are:First, thinking about the community and the external boundary, [Investment Wonderland] uses clustered Chinese tallow, Holly, etc., to build a pocket garden outside the community, eliminating the sense of boundary between the community and the outside, even outside the community, but also to achieve green space! This is the heart!Second, for the creation of water features in the community, you should know that even if many projects of more than 10 million are difficult to plan water features in the community, the reason is very simple - [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! Water feature creation can be regarded as the high cost of garden landscape design! However, in the community planning of [Investment Zhen Zhen], I saw many waterscape landscapes that are extremely full of texture and modern art! This is the trench!In addition, by crape myrtle, citron, park trees and other tall shrubs to create the sinking garden leisure space, camphor, rosemary, night incense and other construction of the fragrant grass flower hall, [Pudong Investment Zhenjing] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! And in the whole community planted a large number of flowers such as maple, cherry, osmanthus and so on. A Shanghai style garden art work that is difficult to see again in the same price segment of contemporary Shanghai is presented!With the high-end community club and luxurious garden landscape, the high-end circle facilities of the community that are generally found in luxury homes are also amplified in the "Investment Perfection"!A number of theme elevated floors are set up under the residential building, setting up a rich format! Owners can meet here for social networking and business talks!This sense of quality is enough to use light luxury, elegant to describe!Finally, the sense of quality of the mansion is also reflected in the above-ground and underground double home lobby and the facade of the building!Similar to the "starry roof" underground garage ramp that can be seen in the past in the luxury house project, [Investment Wonderland] uses a seemingly more advanced champagne gold ceiling, and adds a "light pursuit" ramp with a dome shining! 【 Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!Hardcover underground lobby, equipped with natural lighting well and exclusive waiting area [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! Like the first floor lobby of a high-end hotel, it is full of protocol ceremonies!Hardcover ground lobby, the stone parquet shape on the ground, the stone background on the wall, will show the art of quiet luxury sea vividly!It is also worth mentioning the facade of the project, after all, it was really attracted by the facade of TA!Through the process of curve and micro arc, the level and high-level texture are greatly enriched, and another representative cover work of Pudong is about to be born! This is the style of Shanghai! 【 Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!To a certain extent, [Pudong Investment Zhen Jing] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! At the beginning of its birth, it has already booked the title of Shanghai Internet celebrity!Merchants Shekou, for Shanghai needless to say, itself is synonymous with red plate manufacturing machine and quality.As its high-end product system, whether the [Zhen] system can take over the baton of the [seal] department to open a larger Shanghai market for investment is crucial!To a certain extent, [Zhen Zhen] is Shanghai's first [Investment Zhen Zhen], a large probability is now an important and concerned project in Shanghai, so it will be so hard, so not to fail!And the project to buy improved prices, sell the quality of luxury homes, this "extremely hard" value for money, even in the city of Shanghai, also rare!# 2The king of natural geographical advantagesIncomparable range of living circles in the same price segment[Investment Zhen Jing] is located in the "South of the front beach, the heart of the three forests", is the same price segment can enjoy a wider and better life circle of cost-effective TOP choice!Spread it out, is to live here, [Pudong Investment Zhen Jing] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! Within a reasonable commuting time you can really touch many high energy core business circle!Here's an example:Mr. A, a homebuyer in the fan group, bought a new house project at the same level, when he bought the house, he felt that it was only 10 subway stops away from the downtown business district, but after moving in, he found that the "theoretical commuting time" built by subway traffic was not sincere.First of all, TA needs to take time to walk back to the subway station [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! After entering the subway station, you need to walk back to the subway corridor, and wait for the subway to arrive, and if it is bad luck, there is still no seat to rest on the subway.It is not to deny the value of the subway, but in many cases [Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! The "real commuting range" is more enjoyable!For example, the car range is one of the "real commuting range".By the natural geographical advantage of the south of the front beach from the core plate 【 Pudong Investment Zhen Zhen 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! Can really fast back and forth to the major high energy plate!For example, Pudong's foreshore Taikoo Li, Zhangjiang or Lujiazui can be reached within a reasonable commuting distance from the project!Even in the peak of the navigation (6pm), Puxi's many core business areas are also within the project's reasonable living circle!To be honest, this is the same price segment under most of the project is incomparable!Just think, where can you buy in this total price segment? The verdict is in the air!In addition, the project is also known as the "king of the lot" in the same price segment! 【 Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!The reason is also very simple, one is that the plate is closer to Golden Central, and it is several core nodes and industrial highlands!The other is that the foreshore is actually the Sanlin Binjiang, and the energy level and activity of the Sanlin plate continue to rise with the foreshore! Compared with Sanlin, the second-level plate Pujiang Town, Kangqiao, today's new house and new house prices are about 7-8 million (data from the shell) [Pudong Investment Zhen Jing] Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! There is more than 2 million +/ sets of scissors difference between them!It is worth mentioning that [Investment Zhen Jing] is the only new project in the sector in nearly 10 years! This scarcity is really hard to miss!【 China Merchants Zhen Jing 】 The first batch of the main push to build the surface of about 89-135 square meters 【 Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) high-end life new choice! And a villa with a surface of about 145-148㎡.Among them, the construction surface is about 89 square meters, three rooms, two rooms and one bathroom, which is a rare Kobe type that can get on the car with about 5 million limits!Big male brother see Shanghai property market, Like 2Why is it rare? Because it is reported that the subsequent batch of low total price small household products will be very few!And why the Kobe type? Because TA has done all that can be done under the area section!Equipped with the popular "S wall" design, save space and practical!Through the open and closed island and dining room, living room, balcony formed LDKB integrated layout!【 Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! Three rooms facing south, full bedroom with bay window, as well as a wide balcony, the whole unit is fully illuminated and the view is outstanding!Building surface of about 103 square meters, three rooms, two rooms and two bathrooms, 【 Pudong Investment Zhen Jing 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life! The whole life cycle needs of the owner from the two-person world to the three-child life are guaranteed!The four-room, two-room, two-bathroom apartment with a surface of about 135 square meters has an enviable large horizontal hall! Who sees who likes!This also makes the whole unit have a southward lighting surface comparable to the villa [Pudong Investment Zhen] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) new choice of high-end life! The sense of scale and lighting are very excellent!In addition, the project also has about 10 million low-density products! Can only say that such product force + lot, as well as the product can have a gift area, cost-effective pull! 【 Pudong Merchants Zhen Jing 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) New choice of high-end life!【浦东招商臻境】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)高端生活新选择!

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